Millennium’s Response to COVID-19

This page will provide details on how Millennium plans to continue operations and manage employee safety during COVID-19.


Millennium’s BUSINESS CONTINUITY Strategy 

Millennium considers the well-being and safety of its staff as its top priority. As such, we have deployed operational changes— to ensure full business continuity while following governmental recommendations related to COVID-19. Millennium is safeguarding healthy work environments, while ensuring our clients continue to receive quality work products. 

Millennium has evaluated, developed and managed its resources to ensure business continuity over the past several years, implementing technologies that allow our team to collaborate remotely, thus positioning us to adequately address our client’s needs when the unexpected arises. Millennium continues to evaluate, monitor and address operational guidelines to enable our employees to effectively work from remote locations, following the “social distancing” recommendations by the CDC with the mindset of safety first. Conferences, non-essential travel, and other work-related gatherings are being deferred. 

As a result of our continual monitoring of the developing needs and requirements, Millennium has modified and prepared additional guidance for its staff and clients; these guidelines are made available directly to staff and posted on our website. 

By using our remote access technologies, Millennium is able to conduct business at full capacity while prioritizing the health of our talented team. Our phones, email, and web-based communications remain available to both clients and the community. In line with the “social distancing” guidelines, we are asking those who are accustomed to visiting our offices in person to please connect with that office in advance. 

The Millennium team will continue to work hard to maintain normal operations and ensure the quality of work on which our clients have relied for more than 22 years. In addition, Millennium is currently able to assist our clients and the community directly with local and state COVID-19 compliance issues with health & safety related consultation, operational staff support, monitoring, and many other services that we continue to provide on an ongoing basis. 

Millennium’s WORK SAFE strategy 

Millennium Consulting Associates continues to monitor and responded to the COVID-19 event by deploying operational changes in order to put the well-being of our staff, clients, and communities first. Examples include working remotely, social distancing, and wellness monitoring.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 (3990-03 2020), which divides job tasks into four risk exposure levels: very high, high, medium, and lower risk. Millennium has determined the majority of our employees perform tasks within the lower risk category. Projects with the potential for close contact with others that place employees in a different risk category are to be evaluated prior to responding to the project site and appropriate precautions as outlined under OSHA 3990 are to be implemented.  

Millennium employees are not to respond to project environments that may be considered high risk related to known or suspected COVID-19 cases being present or having been present. After evaluating tasks commonly completed on job sites by the Millennium team, Millennium has established protocols (outlined below/herein) to minimize spread among employees, clients, and communities in which they operate.  

In addition to these procedures, Millennium employees must also adhere to applicable local County Health directives, client or Prime Contractor requirements in place at the project site. Millennium has assessed essential functions and implemented the following alternative practices to comply with social distancing and other requirements per OSHA’s Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 – Publication No. 3990-03 2020,  

  • Personal Wellness Monitoring: 

    • Individuals will not report to work while they are experiencing symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, body aches, chills, or fatigue. Seek medical attention if these symptoms develop.  

  • Pre-Site Visit Planning  

    • Prior to visiting a site, employee will review the Millennium COVID-19 Field Job Hazard Analysis, evaluate the risk category of the work, ensure proper PPE is on hand, and evaluate accessibility of site.  

    • Where feasible, project meetings, including safety tailgates, project status, etc., will be conducted via telephone/online calls. When telephone/online calls are not feasible, social distancing will be observed and a distance of 6 feet will be maintained between individuals. 

    • Tasks that require workers to be within 6 feet of each other will be evaluated for alternate processes.  

  • Site Hygiene Practices:  

    • Shared equipment is to be cleaned after every use. Individuals using shared equipment are to wash or sanitize their hands before and after use, as well as utilize appropriate PPE (latex or nitrile gloves, safety glasses, face shield).  

    • Hand sanitizer is to be used before entering and after exiting vehicles. Sanitizing wipes will be used to clean off steering wheel, gear stick, windshield wipers, turn signal levers, and door handles after use. To adhere to social distancing requirements, separate vehicles will be taken if more than one worker is going to the site.  

    • In the event that Millennium occupies space in a job trailer, a distance of 6 feet will be maintained from other individuals.  

    • At the end of the day, wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before leaving site. Employees may also wish to change work clothes prior to arriving home. 



Millennium’s Social Distancing and Sanitation Guidelines

Millennium Consulting Associates (Millennium) has responded to the COVID-19 event with the following strategies to minimize spread among employees, clients, and communities in which they operate, while also maintaining healthy business operations:  

  • We have assessed essential functions and implemented alternative practices where possible. This includes:  

    • Identifying in-office staff who help enforce social distancing and other requirements per OSHA’s Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 – Publication No. 3990-03 2020 and California and Local Health Department Executive Orders. 

    • We have developed an operational guideline document with procedures that employees must follow in order to meet the requirements mentioned above.  

    • Reviewing human resource policies to ensure consistency with the federal and state public health recommendations.  

    • Implemented a COVID-19 specific work-from-home policy for all employees that perform the primary amount of their work on a computer.  

    • Put in place travel restrictions and banned attendance at any professional conferences until further notice.  

    • Mandated that all meetings must occur in a virtual format, where feasible.  

    • Ensured that office space meets the minimum social distance of 6+ feet requirement for employees to work in the office.  

    • Provide in-office employees with procedures for washing or sanitizing hands, encouraged noncontact methods of greeting, and provided sanitizing wipes and gloves.  

    • Changed kitchen and communal area gathering and cleaning procedures.  

    • Posted COVID-19 PPE requirements at the entrance to our facilities.  

    • Ensuring staff have proper PPE and sanitizer for their daily personal use 

  • We monitor daily for updates to regulatory requirements for businesses during COVID-19 from local, state, and federal agencies.  

  • We communicate changes to all employees weekly. Communications include mandates as well as tips for coping, working from home safely, and slowing spread within the community by following stay-home guidelines.  

  • Currently, Millennium performs a routine cleaning of doorknobs, phones, counter-tops, and bathroom surfaces daily in occupied areas. When office operations return to normal, Millennium will perform a thorough cleaning of all surfaces prior to workers’ return.  

  • If an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19, that office location will be disinfected according to CDC recommendations.